Last Saturday, Lil Wayne, Lil Chuckee and Lil Twist visited Drama‘s Fantasy Factory in Los Angeles to chill before heading to a 2011 BET Awards event. You can read what Drama said about his experience with Weezy after the jump below, along with some photos from that day!
On Saturday morning I woke up to a text from my boy Mack Maine saying that Lil’ Wayne wanted to come to the Fantasy Factory. Definitely not the type of texts I’m used to waking up to just yet but it was a great way to start a Saturday. A lot of times people ask to come by when they’re in town but don’t end up having the time but not this time. They were actually about 20 minutes early. By the time I got to the Factory there was already a caravan of 4 Escalades and Waynes tour bus waiting outside of the gate. They pulled in behind us and Wayne hopped out of the bus with his skateboard, ready to go. Luckily there was nobody working at the Factory and it was completely empty so they were all able to play basketball, skate, jump in the foam pit without any worries. I definitely got the feeling that they don’t get to do stuff like this in private very often and it was sick to see everyone just chilling out and having fun. Zero ego’s or attitudes involved. I’m not even going to try to play cool guy here, it was so crazy sitting there with Wayne, talking like a regular dude trying to figure out how to ollie higher and trying to learn how to boarslide. Definitely a rare occurrence, and one of those moments when u take a step back and just think how crazy life is. The entire Cash Money family are some of the coolest most mellow dudes in the industry when they’re able to just relax. They ended up staying for a few hours before they had to take off to go to a BET event